Saturday 2 June 2012

Week 8: Going up

As we are going towrds the end of the course, we are collecting more tools. this week was very rich and exciting as usual. We are introduced to Jeff and ANVIL. It is very a powerful too which may open new windows for using ICT in the classroom. This week I had to finish the first draft of my project plan and sent it to Batool. My first dratf was not fully completed as I hadt to fly to Ankara, Turey, to presnt my presentation in 11 EMTU. I hope I can find some time to write comment on Batool's  first draft of her project.



  1. Hi Samira!
    I feel just like you do! We are going up towards the end of the course. We have learnt so much! And yet, we still have so much more to learn! That is the good thing about learning. It is a never-ending process!

  2. Hi Roxana,

    Thank you for sharing me your opinion. Yes, teaching is life-long learning.


